



In our daily lives, we often come across the need to refer to different months of the year. While we can simply use the full names of the months, it is also common to use their abbreviations or acronyms, especially in written communication. In this article, we will explore the English abbreviations for the 12 months of the year, providing a comprehensive list for easy reference. Let’s dive in!

二、January (Jan.)

January, the first month of the year, is often associated with new beginnings and resolutions. Its abbreviation, “Jan.”, is widely used in various contexts. Whether you are writing a formal letter or scheduling an appointment, the abbreviation “Jan.” will save you valuable time and space.

三、February (Feb.)

February, the shortest month of the year, is known for its unpredictable weather and the celebration of love on Valentine’s Day. When referring to February, we commonly use its abbreviation “Feb.”. This abbreviation is not only practical but also easy to remember.

四、March (Mar.)

March, the month that marks the arrival of spring in the northern hemisphere, brings with it a sense of renewal and growth. In written form, “Mar.” is the commonly used abbreviation for March. Whether you are writing about the changing weather or planning events, the abbreviation “Mar.” will come in handy.

五、April (Apr.)

April, often associated with blooming flowers and Easter celebrations, is a month of joy and anticipation. Its abbreviation, “Apr.”, is widely recognized and used in various contexts. From invitations to event schedules, “Apr.” is an essential abbreviation to have in your writing repertoire.

六、May (May)

May, a month that brings warmer weather and the beauty of nature in full bloom, is often associated with spring festivals and Mother’s Day. Interestingly, the abbreviation for May is the same as its full name, “May”. This unique exception makes it easy to remember and use in any written format.

七、June (Jun.)

June, the month that marks the beginning of summer, is often associated with weddings and outdoor activities. Its abbreviation, “Jun.”, is commonly used and recognized. Whether you are writing about summer plans or scheduling events, the abbreviation “Jun.” will serve you well.

八、July (Jul.)

July, the month of independence celebrations and summer vacations, is a time for relaxation and outdoor fun. Its abbreviation, “Jul.”, is widely used and understood. From travel itineraries to event calendars, “Jul.” is an essential abbreviation to have at your disposal.

九、August (Aug.)

August, a month that marks the end of summer and the beginning of a new school year for many, is often associated with family vacations and back-to-school preparations. Its abbreviation, “Aug.”, is commonly used in various contexts. Whether you are writing about travel tips or educational articles, the abbreviation “Aug.” will come in handy.

十、September (Sep.)

September, the month that brings the transition from summer to autumn, is often associated with new beginnings and the start of the academic year. Its abbreviation, “Sep.”, is widely recognized and used. From writing about fall fashion trends to academic schedules, “Sep.” is an important abbreviation to include in your writing.

十一、October (Oct.)

October, the month of falling leaves and Halloween festivities, is a time for cozy sweaters and pumpkin spice everything. Its abbreviation, “Oct.”, is commonly used and understood. Whether you are writing about autumn recipes or spooky stories, the abbreviation “Oct.” will add a touch of efficiency to your writing.

十二、November (Nov.)

November, the month of gratitude and Thanksgiving celebrations, is often associated with family gatherings and delicious feasts. Its abbreviation, “Nov.”, is widely used in various contexts. From writing about holiday traditions to expressing gratitude, the abbreviation “Nov.” will save you valuable writing space.

十三、December (Dec.)

December, the final month of the year, is a time for festivities, gift-giving, and reflection. Its abbreviation, “Dec.”, is commonly used and recognized. Whether you are writing about holiday shopping or year-end reflections, the abbreviation “Dec.” will serve you well.


In conclusion, the English language offers convenient abbreviations for each of the 12 months of the year. From “Jan.” to “Dec.”, these abbreviations are widely recognized and used in various contexts. By incorporating these abbreviations into your writing, you can save valuable time and space while effectively conveying the intended message. So, the next time you find yourself writing about a specific month, remember to utilize the appropriate abbreviation and enjoy the benefits of concise and efficient communication.

本文【1—12月份英语缩写,全年12个月份的英文缩略词大全】由作者: 鳄鱼莱莱 提供,本站不拥有所有权,只提供储存服务,如有侵权,联系删除!




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